
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HIV is the virus that if not treated, it progresses to AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The virus attacks the body's immune system, especially the white blood cells called CD-4 (also called T cells). You immune system is one that fight infection to keep your body healthy T cells play an important role maintaining the protected person against infection. If your immune system is weak, it can protect your body and is easy to get sick.

We often hear of infection by HIV and AIDS as if they were synonyms, but have HIV does not mean you have AIDS. Being infected with HIV means that one has been exposed to the virus and is not definitive that will develop the disease. It can remain without symptoms (asymptomatic carriers), for a long time. It is fundamentally important to emphasize that with the advancement of new treatments can live healthily with HIV for life. AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV infection in the presence of symptoms that occur when the immune system deteriorates and ceases to function effectively, developing opportunistic infections and / or marker because it has lost the ability to defend the body to fight disease-causing agents than.
How is HIV spread?
HIV is spread as follows: an infected person to another by means vaginal, oral and anal sex. (having sex without condom use).

As the saying goes: "HIV does not discriminate." Anyone who is having sex without proper protection runs the risk of getting HIV. and / or sharing syringes and needles with an infected person is at risk of contracting the HIV virus. The babies are born with the virus if the mother is infected. In the past, people also became infected through blood transfusions without controlled studies, however, today donated blood is tested for the virus of HIV
The HIV virus is found and can be transmitted through four bodily fluids: semen, vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk.
What are the symptoms of HIV / AIDS?
Some people show symptoms of illness within 6 weeks after infection with HIV. These symptoms are:
Swollen glands
Sore muscles and joints
• Sore throat
Because these symptoms are very similar to those of influenza, HIV can pass unnoticed. Therefore, it is important to mention to your healthcare professional.
If you think you are infected with HIV or have been exposed to someone you think or know they are HIV positive or if you experience any of the above symptoms realizate test and make an appointment with your health care provider immediately. As soon as you perform the analysis, the sooner you start treatment to control the virus (if positive). To receive early treatment can slow progression of HIV infection and may prevent you to develop AIDS. Knowing if you are HIV positive or not will help you make decisions to protect yourself and others.
that you and your partner get tested for HIV before having sex. • How I can protect against HIV? • The best way to avoid transmission of HIV is to not have sex or share needles. If you decide to have sex, you should always practice safe sex. • Limit the number of partners (as) sex. If you and your partner are sexually active, you can be sure conducts studies and take treatment for other sexually transmitted diseases (if necessary). • Be sure to always use a condom correctly every time you hold vaginal intercourse, anal or oral. The use of condoms and latex barriers during sex reduces the risk of HIV infection. • Use sterile needles if you plan to get a tattoo or piercing (piercing) or intravenous drug use. This really reduces the risk of HIV infection. Do not you make holes in the skin unless you are sure you have been properly sterilized. • Do not share personal items like razors or toothbrushes. These objects can have traces of blood that may contain the virus (if the blood is from someone who is HIV +). • realizate the test! You can make sure 
So far there is no cure for HIV infection or AIDS. It is a chronic disease and the virus stays in your body for life. The virus has been treated with a combination of three different drugs which work together to maintain stable virus and the immune system remains in good condition. People with HIV must take medication at specific times and never fail to take doses. It is extremely important to follow the treatment plan specified by the physician at the foot of the letter. Your healthcare provider may also recommend that you maintain a healthy diet, do exercise and keep stress levels to a minimum in your life.
What should I do if I have HIV or AIDS?

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