Endangered Animal Bear (Tremarctos ornatus):
Spectacled Bear
It is the only representative of the family Ursidae that inhabits South America is a land animal sometimes are climbing mammals were larger in South America after Tapirs and are among the least studied of the inhabitants of the continent. Descended from the Bears who crossed from Asia to North America, more than two million years
Calves at birth weigh between 250 and 500 grams. Born with eyes closed and covered with one or fetal hair very short and silky. Pregnancy can last between 5 and 11 months, due to the embryo reemplantación on the wall of the uterus of the female ... One of the largest terrestrial vertebrate that is in our territory Continental is now known by the name of Spectacled Bear, Andean spectacled, is summarized in the face Scarred Bear., Epithelium thus wanted to unify the varied zoonimia vernacular that is applied, can reach a body length exceeding two (2) meters and weighing over 175 kilos in adult males. Size is relatively small compared with the other living genera, being larger than the Malaysian Bear slightly less than the American Black Bear or baribal. Like all bears, their body is solid and rather stocky, rather short neck, muscular legs, which are broad and relatively short for its size, each have five toes equipped with non-retractable claws strong, curved, laterally flattened and sharpened. The tail is rudimentary and hidden in the fur of the rump. The head is rounded and the muzzle shorter than in other genres of ursids, the ears are small and rounded. The coat is long, thick and black as coal, except on the snout that is fawn or light brown around the eyes, jaw, throat and chest which commonly have white or yellowish white, its size and arrangement vary greatly in different individuals, which has given rise to more than one species described ...
Calves at birth weigh between 250 and 500 grams. Born with eyes closed and covered with one or fetal hair very short and silky. Pregnancy can last between 5 and 11 months, due to the embryo reemplantación on the wall of the uterus of the female ... One of the largest terrestrial vertebrate that is in our territory Continental is now known by the name of Spectacled Bear, Andean spectacled, is summarized in the face Scarred Bear., Epithelium thus wanted to unify the varied zoonimia vernacular that is applied, can reach a body length exceeding two (2) meters and weighing over 175 kilos in adult males. Size is relatively small compared with the other living genera, being larger than the Malaysian Bear slightly less than the American Black Bear or baribal. Like all bears, their body is solid and rather stocky, rather short neck, muscular legs, which are broad and relatively short for its size, each have five toes equipped with non-retractable claws strong, curved, laterally flattened and sharpened. The tail is rudimentary and hidden in the fur of the rump. The head is rounded and the muzzle shorter than in other genres of ursids, the ears are small and rounded. The coat is long, thick and black as coal, except on the snout that is fawn or light brown around the eyes, jaw, throat and chest which commonly have white or yellowish white, its size and arrangement vary greatly in different individuals, which has given rise to more than one species described ...
The natural distribution of species is very wide and extends in the Andean regions of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northwestern Argentina (Salta and Jujuy). Altitudinal dispersion terms preferably covers the floors warm, cold and lower portion of the Waste, but its outer limits are between sea level and 4,000 meters above sea level.
Andean Bear, has unlike other spices ease of adaptability to the site default, you can get into arid deserts with annual precipitation less than 25 mm, but also in the Tropical Forests with rainfall close to 4 cubic meters 250 meters. on the sea level to nearly 5 000 mts., height.
Despite being protected is under threat of extinction due to hunting (Murder) and the Destruction of the Wild. Also known as The Bear Spectacled Bear or the glasses by their white alrrededor their eyes. You can still find some copies on Wild Lifestyle
The natural distribution of species is very wide and extends in the Andean regions of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northwestern Argentina (Salta and Jujuy). Altitudinal dispersion terms preferably covers the floors warm, cold and lower portion of the Waste, but its outer limits are between sea level and 4,000 meters above sea level.
Andean Bear, has unlike other spices ease of adaptability to the site default, you can get into arid deserts with annual precipitation less than 25 mm, but also in the Tropical Forests with rainfall close to 4 cubic meters 250 meters. on the sea level to nearly 5 000 mts., height.
Despite being protected is under threat of extinction due to hunting (Murder) and the Destruction of the Wild. Also known as The Bear Spectacled Bear or the glasses by their white alrrededor their eyes. You can still find some copies on Wild Lifestyle
Scientific Name:
(It's called Tremarctos ornatus).
Names you know in South America:
In Venezuela:
• Conerre
• Bear
• Mashiramo
• Andean Bear
• Spectacled Bear
• Black Bear
• Wild Tamanca achi
• Bear Real
• Tommy
Preferably are herbivores, including in your diet a wide variety of fruits, buds, spinal and wild honey. Because of their climbing skills can be mounted on Palms in search of their fruits or their buds, but also to build their shelters.
You almost always seen alone, in the case of adult females may be one or two cubs that belong to them, this happens for six to eight months.
En el dibujo anterior se observan algunas de las múltiples combinaciones de las manchas amarillentas en su cara. Como se nota, unas difieren de otras de varias maneras
(It's called Tremarctos ornatus).
Names you know in South America:
In Venezuela:
• Conerre
• Bear
• Mashiramo
• Andean Bear
• Spectacled Bear
• Black Bear
• Wild Tamanca achi
• Bear Real
• Tommy
Preferably are herbivores, including in your diet a wide variety of fruits, buds, spinal and wild honey. Because of their climbing skills can be mounted on Palms in search of their fruits or their buds, but also to build their shelters.
You almost always seen alone, in the case of adult females may be one or two cubs that belong to them, this happens for six to eight months.
Oso Frontino
Es el único representante de la familia Ursidae que habita en América del Sur es un animal terrestre a veces trepador son los mamiferos de mayor talla en América del Sur, luego de los Tapires y se encuentran entre los habitantes menos estudiados de esta parte del continente. Descienden de los Osos que cruzaron de Asia a América del Norte, hace más de Dos Millones de años
Las crías al nacer pesan entre 250 y 500 gramos. Nacen con los párpados cerrados y cubiertos de alguno o pelaje fetal muy corto y sedoso. La gestación puede durar entre 5 y 11 meses, debido a la reemplantación del embrión en la pared del útero de la hembra...
Uno de los vertebrado terrestres más grandes que se halla en nuestro Territorio Continental es conocido actualmente con el nombre de Oso Frontino, Andino, de Anteojos, se resume en Oso con la Frente Marcada., epitelio con lo cual se ha querido unificar la variada zoonimia vernácula que le es aplicada; puede alcanzar una la longitud corporal superior a los dos (2) metros y un peso de más de 175 kilos en los machos adultos.
Es de tamaño relativamente pequeño en relación con los otros géneros vivientes, siendo más grande que el Oso Malayo y algo menor que el Oso Negro Norteamericano o baribal . Al Igual que todos los Osos, su cuerpo es mácizo y más bien rechoncho; el cuello bastante corto y musculoso; las patas, que son anchas y relativamente cortas por su tamaño, tienen cada una cinco dedos provistos de fuertes garras no retráctiles, curvadas, aplastadas lateralmente y aguzadas. La cola es rudimentaria y está escondida en el pelaje de la grupa. La cabeza es redondeada y el hocico más corto que en los otros géneros de úrsidos; las orejas son pequeñas y redondeadas.
El pelaje es largo, espeso y negro como el carbón, excepto en el hocico que es leonado o pardo claro y alrededor de los ojos, quijada, garganta y pecho donde corrientemente presentan manchas blancas o blanco amarillentas, su extensión y disposición varían enormemente en diferentes individuos, lo cual ha dado lugar a que se describiera más de una especie...
La distribución natural de la Especie es muy amplia y se extiende en las regiones Andinas de Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y Noroeste de la Argentina (Salta y Jujuy). Su dispersión altitudinal cubre preferiblemente los pisos términos templado, frío y porción inferior del Páramo, pero sus límites extremos se hallan entre el nivel del mar y los 4.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar.
El Oso Andino, tiene a diferencia de otras especias la facilidad de adaptabilidad al sitio donde mora, se le puede conseguir en desiertos áridos con precipitaciones anual menores a los 25 mm, pero también en los Bosques Tropicales con precipitaciones cercanas a los 4 metros cúbicos, a 250 mts., sobre el nivel del mar como a los casi 5 mil mts., de altura.
A pesar de estar Protegido se encuentra amenazado de Extinsión debido a su Cacería (Asesinato) y a la Destrucción de su Hábitat Natural. También se le conoce como The Spectacled Bear u Oso de los Anteojos por sus manchas blancas alrrededor de sus ojos. Aun se pueden encontrar algunos ejemplares en forma de vida Salvaje
Nombre Científico:
(Se le conoce como Tremarctos ornatus).
Nombres con se le Conoce en Suramérica:
En Venezuela:
El Oso
Oso Andino
Oso de Anteojos
Oso Negro
Salvaje Tamanco achi
Oso Real
Son preferiblemente herbívoros, incluyendo dentro de su dieta una gran diversidad de frutos, cogollos, médula y miel silvestre. Debido a sus habilidades trepadoras puede montarse sobre Palmeras en busca de sus frutos o de sus cogollos, también para construir sus refugios temporales.
Modo de Vida:
Se le observa casi siempre solo, en el caso de la hembras adultas, pueden verse con una o dos crías que pertenecen a ellas, esto ocurre durante seis a ocho meses.
Esta en extincion :
Por la destrucion de sus hogares y su alta nivel de caseria
En Peligro (EP)
Very good!
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